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16 Courses

Level One Care Manager
Care Managers
Preview Course

Care Managers

Level One Care Manager

Learn the basic functions of a computer and how to keep it running smoothly.  Understand the different skills sets needed to become an independent and successful care manager. 

Intro to Care Managers
Care Managers
Preview Course

Care Managers

Intro to Care Managers

Care manager duties and expectations.

Level Two Care Manager
Care Managers
Preview Course

Care Managers

Level Two Care Manager

Go deeper into understanding the dashboard and how to use the skills you learned in level one to make a five-star call.

Elements of a 5 Star Call
Care Managers
Preview Course

Care Managers

Elements of a 5 Star Call

Learn how a PICNIC makes five star calls.

Care Managers
Preview Course

Care Managers


Learn: guidelines & benefits of CCM, the CCM dashboard, and how to make monthly calls.

Care Managers
Preview Course

Care Managers


Learn the guidelines & benefits of RPM and about device utilization.

Needs Attention, Escalations, & Red Alerts
Care Managers
Preview Course

Teacher: Andrea Collier

Needs Attention, Escalations, & Red Alerts

Learn how to manage patient health data & patient escalations, how OORs are managed, and the standard Escalation Protocol and how to communicate with the clinic. 

Level Three Care Manager
Care Managers
Preview Course

Care Managers

Level Three Care Manager

Learn about locating and managing your assigned population. This is the final course for care manager certification.

Care Managers
Preview Course

Care Managers


Learn the guidelines & benefits of RTM and how to do monthly calls.

HWS Care Manager Dashboard
Care Managers
Preview Course

Teacher: Andrea Collier

HWS Care Manager Dashboard

In this course, we will learn how to create an account in HWS, how to read the care manager's scoreboard, and about the links on the dashboard.

Mastering Your Population
Care Managers
Preview Course

Care Managers

Mastering Your Population

Learn how to be a self-starter, more about care manager expectations, and how to master your assigned population.

How to Handle Difficult Situations
Care Managers
Preview Course

Teacher: Barbara Kiewel

How to Handle Difficult Situations

Learn about practice follow-up, archiving accounts, and how to succeed under stressful circumstances.

CM Daily Reports
Care Managers
Preview Course

Care Managers

CM Daily Reports

End of the Day Reports can be accessed here.

Medical Terminology
Care Managers
Preview Course

Teacher: Andrea Collier

Medical Terminology

Learn common medical terminology. 

Level Four Care Manager
Care Managers
Preview Course

Teacher: Andrea CollierTeacher: Barbara Kiewel

Level Four Care Manager

Learn how to make office notes in MCW, schedule appointments, how to bill for RPM, RTM, & Diabetes in HWS, and about telemedicine. 
* This course is not required to complete care manager certification.

Incoming Calls and Messages
Care Managers
Preview Course

Care Managers

Incoming Calls and Messages

Answering calls is the most important part of being a Contact Center Representative. All calls come to the contact center and it is our responsibility to try and answer all patients call.