
Health Wealth Safe's Glossary

Friday, May 3, 2024, 5:36 AM
Site: Health Wealth Safe University
Course: Health Wealth Safe University (home)
Glossary: Health Wealth Safe's Glossary

Care manager

A HWS employee who registers patients for RPM, CCM, and RTM programs and ensures compliance with these programs through patient engagement. The care manager serves as the face of HWS to patients.

Care plan

A strategy for addressing a patient’s persistent health concerns using the HWS app and devices, created and implemented by care managers.


Chronic care management. A HWS service for patients with multiple chronic conditions that provides them with a detailed care plan customized to their individual ICD-10 codes. To qualify for CCM, a patient must have at least two eligible chronic conditions and qualifying insurance.


Google Chrome web browser that offers automatic protection from security issues like phishing and dangerous sites. 

Clinical advice

Any act of persuasion or instruction offered to a patient about their healthcare. This would include advising a patient to go or not to go to the emergency room or urgent care. HWS employees, including care managers, should never offer clinical advice to patients, but rather bring patient issues and concerns to the attention of their physician. It is the responsibility of employees to explain the benefits and functions of the HWS app and its related programs, not act as the proxy of a patient’s physician.


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. A department of the US Department of Health and Human Services that provides health coverage to over 100 million people through programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Health Insurance Marketplace, and the Children’s Healthcare Program. The goal of the CMS is to strengthen the US healthcare system and provide improved care at lower costs.


Insurance pays certain amount of benefit to the provider on each encounter and assign some % responsibility towards subscriber.


A patient’s adherence to the guidelines and protocols of the care plan set forth by their physician. In HWS, patients are in compliance if they use their assigned device a minimum of 16 times a month.


A fix amount that need to be paid by the policy holder directly to the provider before each visit/encounter.


In general, a dashboard is a type of digital user interface that presents a unified set of data about disparate topics. In HWS, the dashboard for desktop computers and the app is how employees access patient profiles and data and how patients can complete TM calls with their physician. The HWS dashboard is the base of operations for all the services we provide.