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Health Wealth Safe's Glossary

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Out of range response. This is an API device reading that differs significantly from those normally received from a given patient, such as an unusually high BS or BP. Such responses are then flagged by the HWS system so the patient can be contacted by a care manager.

Out of Network Providers

Any provider out of patients geographical area or patients insurance network is called out of network providers.



HWS utilizes passbolt to manage and secure passwords for our various platform. This is a secure google chrome extension which can be installed on your work computer.


The person who visits doctor for any kind of counseling, wellness checkup or to get treated for symptom of an illness is called the patient.

Patient Demographic Information

Some specific information that needs to create a patients account in Doctor’s system. Such as name, sex, address, phone numbers, date of birth and insurance information.


The insurance company who covers patient for any disease or illness and pay to the Doctor when a claim arise.


An acronym care managers use for remembering the structure of a 5 star call for patient engagement voice calls. Preparation, Introduction, Connections, Name use, Information gathering & documenting; Closing the call


In Dashboard, the total number of patients currently listed in the AHC/HWS system. This list can be narrowed according to the criteria available in the Advanced search function.


A place where the services are performed. Sometimes it is same as the name of the Doctor e.g. Dr Mark Spencer Clinic, Pain Management Center of Georgia etc.

Preferred Provider Organization

Patients have freedom to choose their provider at the cost of higher copays or deductibles.

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