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Health Wealth Safe's Glossary

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Welcome call

A call care managers make to new patients to introduce them to HWS and explain its many products and services. Better known as first follow-up call.


Acronym for work in progress, a box on the population dashboard that can be clicked to show that a care manager is currently working on their 'WIP' patient

written consent

A document signed by a patient consenting to digital health services. Written consents are provided to the clinic by HWS. The clinic is responsible for sending in written consents to register patients. 



A type of diagnostic code used in situations in which a patient requires service but does not have a specific condition or injury, or in which a patient needs to address a problem arising from a social determinant of health (such as homelessness or unemployment). For the purposes of HWS, Z-codes cannot be used to determine eligibility for RPM or any of our other offered programs or devices.

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